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Söndag den 13 maj kl 14:00-16:00 – på Spinn

13/5 på Spinn med Carine och Christian

Kl. 14-16

Det är viktigt att anmäla sig (OBS! senast fredagen innan) till

Det kostar 150 kr /gång. Jammet som följer ingår för dig som går kursen.

Ses på dansgolvet!

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Workshop 24 & 25 Feb 2018

Denna workshoppen är inte en del av KI-Göteborg, men vi tipsar om den ändå. Workshoppen är på Spinn och vårt jam är på Kviberg.

Blood, Sea: salty, fluid dances

with Nicole Bindler (Philadelphia, USA)

This Contact Improvisation workshop is inspired by several threads that are explored in Body-Mind Centering: our evolution from the ocean to land, our ontogenetic journey from the amniotic sea of the womb to adulthood, and the embodied anatomy of the fluids, which can inspire and support our movement.

The title is drawn from the writing of Italo Calvino. His short story, “Blood, Sea” refers to the balance of salinity in our blood and in the ocean from which we humans evolved: “Bathed by the primordial wave which continues to flow in the arteries, our blood in fact has a chemical composition analogous to that of the sea of our origins.” As we evolved into terrestrial beings, we brought the sea inside of us onto land.

The arterial blood swirls out toward the distal parts of the body and has a repetitive, pulsing rhythm. The venous blood whorls back toward the heart and has a wavelike rhythm. The place where the arterial and venous capillaries meet is called the isoring, a resting place between coming and going. Through balancing this inward and outward flow and finding the meeting place of stillness, we can move with more facility between solo dancing, meeting others, and sharing weight.

This workshop will also explore polarities as they manifest in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, which are the heaviest and lightest fluids in the body. In utero the blood forms in the yolk sac in the front, and the cerebrospinal fluid arises from the amniotic fluid in the back. Within these two fluids we can find opposition and balance between front / back, inner / outer, gravity / space, folding / extending, rolling / sloughing, and underdancer / overdancer. The transitions between these poles are nonlinear and take us into spiral pathways.

Nicole Bindler’s performance work has been presented throughout the U.S., Canada, Argentina, and in Berlin, Tokyo, Beirut, Bethlehem, Mexico City, and Quito. Her dances have been supported by the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage, Leeway Foundation, Puffin Foundation, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, and the Ellen Forman Memorial Award. Bindler holds a BA in Dance and Poetry from Hampshire College, a degree in Muscular Therapy from the Muscular Therapy Institute, and certificates in Embodied Anatomy Yoga, Embodied Developmental Movement and Yoga, and Practitioner of Body-Mind Centering ® from the School for Body-Mind Centering ®. She has taught Somatics and Improvisation at Temple University, University of the Arts, and the University of Pennsylvania. Her writing has been published in Critical Correspondence, Contact Quarterly, Emergency Index by Ugly Duckling Presse, Jewish Currents, BMC ® Currents, Curate This, Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, and thINKingDANCE. Bindler is a member of the Jewish Voice for Peace Artist Council and is the Founder and Director of The Institute for Somatics and Social Justice.


Saturday 09:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00, Sunday 09:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00


SEK 300 – 900 on a sliding scale according to your income. For example, if you are unemployed and are just about making ends meet, pay 300; if you have a job but it’s not well paid, or part-time, pay 600; if you have a decent income, pay 900.


Danskompaniet Spinn’s Studio, Järntorget 7, 413 04 Göteborg.


To reserve your place, please first contact Daniel Mang at, then transfer the full fee to the following account:

Account holder: Daniel Mang

Account number: 3188310

Clearing number: 9272

IBAN: SE2592700000092723188310


Bank: ICA Banken AB, Svetsarvägen 16, 171 41 Solna, Sweden

Don’t forget to put your name and what the payment is for (“WS Feb 18”) in the payment reference.

Or swish to 0765973209.

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Workshop 17 & 18 March 2018

Contact improvisation and bodywork

Workshop with Daniel Mang

17 & 18 March 2018, Göteborg

The content

In this workshop we will work with the fundamentals of contact improvisation, such as: the relation to gravity, the physical contact between movers, the momentum of bodies, modulating tone, waking up reflexes and sense of balance, sharing weight. And we will look at ways of combining contact improvisation with bodywork, by which I mean any technique where one person gives therapeutic touch and the other receives. It includes massage but is a broader term that encompasses many different kinds of hands-on work with another person.

This workshop will be about listening with your skin; speaking through your body; negotiating boundaries; differentiating qualities of touch; altering the map of the body; creating new meanings for touch, movement, gesture. To this end, we will refine our perception of inner space and body rhythms, as well as our outer sensory/spatial awareness. We will explore touch and movement as relational practices: bonding and bounding, consent and collaboration, safer spaces and negotiation will be some of our themes.

All levels of experience and all kinds of bodies are welcome.

The teacher

Contact improvisation has been my primary movement practice since 1986. I also practice aikido and am strongly influenced by the Feldenkrais method, Body Mind Centering and ideokinesis. My teaching is informed by my background as a professional bodyworker / physiotherapist, my studies in osteopathy, my experience with different approaches to communication, and by my politics. I see my interest in radical social theory and my love of contact improvisation as two aspects of the same desire. I have been teaching the form since 1990.


Saturday 09:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00

Sunday 09:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00


SEK 300 – 900 on a sliding scale according to your income. For example, if you are unemployed and are just about making ends meet, pay 300; if you have a job but it’s not well paid, or part-time, pay 600; if you have a decent income, pay 900.


Danskompaniet Spinn’s Studio, Järntorget 7, 413 04 Göteborg.


To reserve your place, please first contact me at, then transfer the full fee to the following account:

Account holder: Daniel Mang

Account number: 3188310

Clearing number: 9272

IBAN: SE2592700000092723188310


Bank: ICA Banken AB, Svetsarvägen 16, 171 41 Solna, Sweden

Don’t forget to put your name and what the payment is for (“WS March 18”) in the payment reference.

Or swish to 0765973209.

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Introklasser hösten 2017

Introduktion till kontaktimprovisation – 3 klasser under höstterminen

Kontaktimprovisation är en dansform där vi leker med gravitationskraften, den rörelsekraft och de tyngdpunktsförskjutningar som uppstår när två kroppar möts. Dansen uppstår genom att fånga tillfället i flykten, genom att erbjuda kroppsytor att surfa på, genom att ta vikt eller genom att ge vikt. En flytande dans uppstår ofta om det finns en grundläggande avslappning i rörelsen, en stabil golvkontakt och en tillit mellan de dansande kropparna.

Klasserna hålls på Kompani 415, Marketenterivägen 1, 415 28 Göteborg.
Spårvagnshållplats Bellevue sen en tio minuters promenad dit eller busshållplats Brovägen med en 5 minuters promenad dit.
Kom gärna i tid för att inte störa klassen.

Kl 14:00-16:00 på följande söndagar:
10:e september med Søren & Martin
5:e november med Christian & Carine
3:e december med Linda & Daniel

Om du vill delta i en klass, vänligen registrera dig genom att skicka ett mejl till

150 kronor per gång.
Anmäler du dig till alla 3 och betalar i förväg kostar det 400:-
Jammet som följer efter ingår om du går introkursen.

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Intensivklass med C L Lundberg 16:e november 18:30-20:00

Intensivklass i kontaktimpro: Röst – Rörelse – Andning med Clara Lee Lundberg

En intensiv kvällsklass där vi inom ramen för kontaktimprovisation utforskar röst, rörelse och andning.
Genom övningar, labb och fria improvisationer undersöker vi hur vi kan använda andningen som verktyg i rörelsen, hur rösten kan bli en del av improvisationen och hur vi kan komponera med ljud och kropp.
En skön, dynamisk, inspirerande och utmanande kvällsklass som passar både nybörjare och vana kontaktimprovisatörer.
Klassen leds av dansaren, koreografen och pedagogen Clara Lee Lundberg som är på besök från Stockholm.

Pris: 160 kr

Var håller vi till:
Kompani 415, Marketenterivägen 1 415 28 Göteborg (Spårvagnshållplats Bellevue sen är det en tio minuters promenad dit, eller busshållplatsen Brovägen, sen är det en fem minuters promenad dit).

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